Saturday, January 3, 2015

Choose Your Own Autobiography

My Rating: 

Method of Reading: Personally owned hardback book, 291 pages
Dates of Reading: December 25, 2014
Author: Neil Patrick Harris (and a ghostwriter, David Javerbaum)
Publication Year: 2014
Recommended to: NPH/Broadway fans.
Quotes: "You [Neil] come in weighing a very average, very sexy seven pounds, seven ounces. As it happens, that is also the exact weight of an Emmy Award. Coincidence? Yes . . . but true fact? No" (3).
Movie: Nope.

Wikipedia Link:

My View: Excellently written and a hilarious concept. Literally as soon as you hit age 20, everything is about the experience of the successful gay male, but all of the stuff surrounding that is original and funny. I suspect that Javerbaum did quite a lot of the work for this, but the classic NPH voice is certainly discernible... unless Javerbaum has just studied that voice so carefully that he mimics it perfectly.

Your Bibliomaniac

Harris, Neil Patrick, and David Javerbaum. Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography. Crown Archetype. 2014. Print.