Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"TKAM" Sequel?

What you see above is a link to a news article reporting that 88-year-old Harper Lee, the "one-hit wonder" author of To Kill a Mockingbird has rediscovered a sequel she wrote to Scout's story soon after TKAM was published; she has now decided to release the book, titled Go Set a Watchman in July. TKAM is not merely a literary classic, it is also one of my favorite books (a rare 5-star review), an uncommonly unpatronizing tale of innocence at every age. I am very excited to know that Harper Lee will be back on the shelves of my local bookstore again and look eagerly toward July 14!


  1. Check out this awesome article written by a cool friend of mine on the ethical debate surrounding "Go Set a Watchman!"

  2. The GSAW (eh, not as catchy as TKAM) cover is here! For reference, this is the old classic: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/79/To_Kill_a_Mockingbird.JPG
    Now here's the new cover: https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/q89/s720x720/10313356_823528371017958_3261343664146413065_n.jpg?oh=97c8563c032e26b5a427373778bcf8ef&oe=55A917F0
    I like how well they captured the original, but how subtly they updated the style. The train seems pretty out of place, but who knows how I'll feel about that after reading the book.


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