Saturday, August 8, 2015

Why I couldn't finish LoTR.

I have risked several friendships by admitting this over the summer: I started Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring) and couldn't finish it. Maybe I'll come back to The Hobbit someday (which I hear is easier). My reasons for quitting LoTR are fairly straightforward and, to many, probably sound pretty lame.

  1. There's too much description of the landscape that I care very little for.
  2. In spite of the excessive landscape description, non-natural "things" are never described... Hearing what the hills surrounding my characters look like, while having barely any detail about what they are wearing, handling, and interacting with leaves me disengaged.
  3. It's very annoying reading people constantly singing without any tune guidance. 
Maybe I'll just watch the movies.

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