Friday, May 29, 2015

The Last Battle

My Rating: 

Method of Reading: 
Dates of Reading: May 28, 2015-May 29, 2015
Author: C.S. Lewis
Publication Year: 1956
Recommended to: No need to repeat this one....
"In our world too, a Stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world" (744).
"The inside is larger than the outside" (765).
" was only the beginning of the real story" (767).
Movie: Someday...?

Wikipedia Link:

My View: An epic ending. I don't even mind the bump I got from being bludgeoned with a blunt allegory.

Your Bibliomaniac

Lewis, C.S. The Silver Chair. 2001. The Chronicles of Narnia. New York: HarperCollins, n.d. 664-767. Print.

1 comment:

  1. For the (perhaps well-founded) concerns about Lewis's voice in the series:


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