Method of Reading: Personally owned paperback novel, 117 pages
Dates of Reading: October 1, 2011-October 15, 2011
Author: Joseph Conrad
Publication Year: 1910
Recommended to: No one, unless you really like jungles and literature that demands amazing quantities of analysis.
Movie: Movies, radio shows, look adaptations like Apocalypse Now... everything.
Wikipedia Link:
My View: Too dense to be particularly enjoyable as "fun reading," but exciting nonetheless. I didn't really understand it and it was the only book I skipped reviewing for the AP test, but I ended up using it for the test essay. It's chock full of obscure literary devices and soaked in political and social thought, so it's very useful for essays.
Your Bibliomaniac
Bibliographic info:
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print.
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