Method of Reading: Target's seven-book paperback.
Dates of Reading: January 5, 2015-January 10, 2015
Author: C.S. Lewis
Publication Year: 1951
Recommended to: People who've read this far.
"'That's the worst of girls... They never carry a map in their heads.'
'That's because our heads have something inside them,' said Lucy" (370).
"Oh Aslan... How could I - I couldn't have left the others and come to you alone... oh well, I suppose I could. Yes, and it wouldn't have been alone, I know, not if I was with you" (380).
"We don't know when he will act. In his time, no doubt, not ours. In the meantime he would like us to do what we can on our own" (397).
"'You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,' said Aslan. 'And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content" (416).
Movie: Yes'm in 2008.
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My View: So beautiful, once again. Not as favored as The Horse and His Boy, but great nonetheless. My favorite symbolism being the well water turned to wine.
Your Bibliomaniac
Lewis, C.S. The Magician's Nephew. 2001. The Chronicles of Narnia. New York: HarperCollins, n.d. 311-418. Print.
Lewis, C.S. The Magician's Nephew. 2001. The Chronicles of Narnia. New York: HarperCollins, n.d. 311-418. Print.