Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Horse and His Boy

My Rating: 

Method of Reading: Target's seven-book paperback.
Dates of Reading: December 26, 2014-January 5, 2015
Author: C.S. Lewis
Publication Year: 1954
Recommended to: The people who have read up to this point.
"'They'd kill me' ... He had, you see, no idea of how noble and free-born people behave" (239).
" of the worst results of being a slave and being forced to do things is that when there is no one to force you any more you find you have lost the power of forcing yourself" (298).
"And certainly both Horses were doing, if not all they could; all they thought they could, which is not quite the same thing" (270).
"He had not yet learned that if you do one good deed your reward usually is to do another and harder and better one" (272).
"But as long as you know you're nobody special, you'll be a very decent sort of Horse" (275).
"I was the lion" (281).
"...the smaller woodland people were safe and happy that they were getting a little careless" (285).
"Do not dare not to dare" (299).
Movie: Walden Media, which made 3 Narnia movies already, has the option for this movie as well... it hasn't made a move yet.

Wikipedia Link:

My View: I love the fast style of the story, the characters, and the landscape created. This has been my favorite Narnia book so far although I can't definitively figure out why... perhaps it was thanks to the relatively minimal military action. Plus, I haven't enjoyed what is essentially a roadtrip story this much since Rules of the Road.

Your Bibliomaniac

Lewis, C.S. The Magician's Nephew. 2001. The Chronicles of Narnia. New York: HarperCollins, n.d. 199-310. Print.

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