Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love and Freindship


Method of Reading: Kindle. Since it is usually published with other books bound to it (meaning every Amazon version with a page count listed has this and other stories), and I read it on my Kindle, I don't know how many pages are in just this story alone. It is really short...
Dates of Reading: December 14, 2010-December 15, 2010
Author: Jane Austen
Publication Year: Completed in Austen's youth *cough* spelling *cough* it's not very clear when it was first published. Austen probably wrote it in letters and then shared it with her family each night. I believe that this entire collection was published when the descendent of Austen's who had the notebook containing a lot of her juvenile writing chose to release it to the public.
Recommended To: Austenites :)
Quotes: "no sooner did I first behold him, than I felt that on him the happiness or Misery of my future Life must depend."
Movie: No, and it wouldn't be long enough for one.

Wikipedia Link:

My View: The poor grammar, rampant spelling errors, and immature/undeveloped plot line in this book bear little resemblance to Jane Austen's future brilliance. But her the natural bite of her wit is evident. Because it is SO short (and thank goodness, this book couldn't handle being any longer than it is) it's usually published with other early work of Austen's (see next two posts).

Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
Austen, Jane. Love and Freindship. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Electronic.

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