It's August. For a lot of you 9-to-5ers out there, this means hot weather, maybe a quick getaway with your family, and too many tourists clogging up your route to work. For students and their families (prime example: Your Bibliomaniac and her family) it means BACK TO SCHOOL. Here's the problem: when I am away at school, I do not have access to OneNote, which is the program I have always kept my book reviews on. This means updates from me will be less frequent and less orderly. There are still many more finished reviews which haven't been uploaded because it takes quite a lot of time to copy them from my documents, format them properly, and send them out into cyberspace. There will not be time for me upload these before I hit the road. For you, darling reader, this means:
1) No more reviews until I read and finish a new book. I'm currently reading Hot, Flat, and Crowded by the brilliant Thomas L. Friedman, so that will be coming soon.
2) My format may change (just a li'l).
3) When I get home for break, you'll get a barrage of previously-written reviews like there was late last night/early this morning.
Peace, love, books!
Your Bibliomaniac