Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Best Foot Forward

My View:   This was a great follow-up to Rules of the Road. Plus, it had some fairly nice closure for Jenna and her family. Of course, not everything is fairy tale perfect at the end, but Jenna comes into her own and grows/matures throughout the book. I am extremely happy that this book does not force completion into Jenna's life, when it is fairly obvious that there is never a teen whose problems can all be solved within one or two books. It's also a great way to remind you that it's okay if life is never perfect. Life can be okay even when there are lingering problems: the best you can do, is the best you can do. I am glad that the characters stayed true and the realistic nature of Jenna's life was maintained. I very much enjoyed this sequel, just as much as its preceding novel.

Wikipedia Link: N/A
    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Public library hardcover novel, 183 pages
    Dates of Reading:
    July 9, 2009-July 10, 2009
    Joan Bauer
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    Anyone who read and loved Rules of the Road will find this book just as entertaining.
    There are only... a lot.
    "There are no alcohol issues in the forest. Of course there are predators, fires. I guess it's always something" (3).

    "My father always told me that in this world we're going to make a truckload of mistakes, but the best mistake we can ever make is to err on the side of mercy" (29).

    "Mister Cobb, I have no idea what it is like to try to play the hand you've been dealt. To tell you I understand would be an insult to you, but to excuse your behavior solely because of it discredits us both" (54).

    "I thought about bridges and how they're built to connect two places and how we needed to be bridge builders in this world because there are so many places where people can't connect" (109).

    "That's what I've done in my life. It helps me remember I'm in a much bigger and better place than I ever was before" (132).

    "When the going gets tough, the tough get a librarian" (141).
    Maybe a little less of a chance than the first one… plus, the first one would need to be super-successful to prompt a sequel.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
  • Bauer, Joan. Best Foot Forward. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2005. Print.
  • "Best Foot Forward = Best Book Ever." Madeline's Blog. N.p., 4 Apr. 2011. Web. 28 July 2013.

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