Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Of Mice and Men

My View:   The traveling farmhands Lennie and George have a touching friendship which only ends up making the ending that much more surprising and upsetting. The brute strength attributed to Lennie, which causes the "big baby" so much trouble is saddening, and makes you wish for any easy fix to his and George's situation. The misogynistic ideas displayed throughout the book are kind of annoying, as two of the only three girls ever mentioned in the novels are sex-starved, attention-hungry, nameless flirts. The BFF pairing in the novel never achieve their goal of reaching "The American Dream," which hurts terribly after you come to love them throughout the novel and buy into their hopes and aspirations. While nearly everyone else in my class, including my English teacher (who I always thought was rather bright) argues that, in the historical context of the novel, Lennie and George didn't have a chance, I disagree and say that they simply never had good luck or enough caution to create a life in which they could achieve their dreams.
    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Personally owned paperback novel, 105 pages
    Dates of Reading:
    October 11, 2009-October 25, 2009
    John Steinbeck
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    We read this book for school, so a tenth grader, obviously, is meant to have a reading level and mental capacity high enough to understand and maybe even enjoy this book. I liked it more than many of the books I read in school, so I will recommend this book to 10th graders and anyone above that. It's not really a book you read for enjoyment (at least for young people), though. Better for discussion.

    Yep, we saw it in class. I was iffy on whether or not I liked it… I think the book was more enjoyable.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin, 1993. Print.

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