Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of Time

My View:   Finally I feel like the last couple of books have actually been leading to something! Three-quarters of this book, I was still in the dark about some things, but now I really feel confident that Carter has a plan for the last book. I also appreciate, as hard as it can be to admit it, that she has stayed true to who her characters have been, are, and will be. She doesn't shy away from changing them in natural ways, and it's brave. It's like she always knew the whole story, but really only liked telling the beginning and the end, so she got dry in the middle. I can't wait for the final book! I could do without some of the dramatic horror she has started to incorporate, though. I wish she hadn't taken time off to write the Heist books so she could get these books out a little faster. I'm too old for these books and if it weren't for BIBLIOMANIAC I wouldn't be reading the last book, so I think delaying the last book for so long was a bad idea.

    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Kindle, 304 pages in hardcover
    Dates of Reading:
    March 25, 2012-April 1, 2012
    Ally Carter
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    People who worked their way through the others… this is worth it :)

    If the others work.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
  • Carter, Ally. Out of Sight, Out of Time. New York: Disney/Hyperion, 2012. Electronic.
  • "Gallagher Girls 5, Out of Sight Out of Time, Ally Carter." Polyvore. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2013.

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