Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An Abundance of Katherines

My View:   Awesome book! I thought it was funny all the way through, and the story had very few slow spots. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would recommend it to everyone! John Green, I hope, will write more books, and I will read them. Although he constantly suggested that math was boring, I found the math laced throughout the book very creative. Glad I discovered this smart author.

 General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Public Library hardcover novel, 228 pages
    Dates of Reading:
    July 3, 2009-July 4, 2009
    John Green
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    I'd definitely recommend this book to any high school girl.
    "It contained seventy-two signatures. Twelve were just signatures, fifty-six cited his intelligence, twenty-five said they wished they'd known him better, eleven that said it was fun to have him in English class, seven included the words 'pupillary sphincter,' and a stunning seventeen ended 'Stay Cool!' Colin Singleton could no more stay cool than a blue whale could stay skinny or Bangladesh could stay rich" (6).

    "Among many, many others, the following things were definitely not interesting: the pupillary sphincter, mitosis, baroque architecture, jokes that have physics equations as punch lines, the British monarchy, Russian grammar, and the significant role that salt has played in human history" (26).
    This would actually make a pretty good movie. If you could keep the little points of math stuff interesting, and if you could somehow explain Colin's life and (many) relationships, then the story probably would make an excellent movie.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
  • "An Abundance of Katherines." Wikipedia. WikiMedia, n.d. Web. 28 July 2013.
  • Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines. New York, NY: Dutton, 2006. Print.

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