Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

My View:   Love this book! Really, as much as I liked Josh in the first novel, Zach is way better for Cammie. Plus, while Josh's life is spelled out for you in plain simple English, including every detail of his picket-fence life, Zach's story and Cammie's feelings for him promise more and leaves you wishing you had the next book in your hands. You lose some of the sisterhood vibe as the plot becomes more intense after the arrival of the Blackthorne Boys, but you have to wonder to yourself… how can Carter surprise us in the next book? Fortunately, we know she delivers!

    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Personally owned hardcover novel, 236 pages
    Dates of Reading:
    September 31, 2009-October 11, 2009
    Ally Carter
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    Fans of the last book, regardless of age. It gets more intense by only the tiniest hint of a degree– nothing that would demand a more advanced reader or an older girl.
    "'I love your bracelet!' I said to the brunette next to me, because, while most girls are on to the whole strangers-with-candy thing, the strangers-with-compliments strategy is still remarkably effective" (68).
    If the first book turns into a box office hit, maybe! I think this one would make a better movie than Tell You I Love You, personally. More action and more plot.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
  • Carter, Ally. Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy. New York: Hyperion, 2007. Print.
  • "Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy." Wikipedia. WikiMedia, n.d. Web. 28 July 2013.

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