Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Possibilities of Sainthood

My View:   Love loved it. I loved the style it was written in, I loved the characters, I loved the story, and I loved the message. It even got me interested in researching the patron saints of various everyday things. If I owned this book, it would definitely become a constant fixture on my nightstand like the Gallagher Girls, Secrets of My Hollywood Life, or The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Praying for a sequel (perhaps to St. James Duckett, St. John of God, St. John the Apostle, St. Paul the Apostle, or St. Thomas Aquinas, all patrons of book sellers. Oddly, there is no patron saint of reading. Better get on that, Antonia!).
Wikipedia Link: N/A
    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Public Library hardcover novel, 272 pages
    Dates of Reading:
    July 9, 2010-July 9, 2010
    Donna Freitas
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    Catholic high school girls (as in, girls who are Catholic and are in high school... I mean, you could go to a Catholic high school, too but I don't) who like to read. Otherwise, it's just probably not gonna be funny.
    No, but I kinda want one! Too bad I couldn't play the (extremely Italian-looking) main character. That would be so much fun.
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
Freitas, Donna. The Possibilities of Sainthood. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008. Print.

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