Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

My View:   This is a great story that only takes a few hours to read and reminds everyone of their own gaggle of girl friends. Although the friends, Lena (the "beauty"), Bridget (the "jock"), Tibby (the "rebel"), and Carmen (the "dramatic one") are all stereotyped at the beginning just as easily as people in a "tag your friends!" Facebook picture, we soon see the true colors in them that only the fours Septembers know about. Although the beginning is boring and nondescript, the characterization soon picks up and spins you into the whirlwind of the girls' summers. The story is engaging, and so are the characters. The realistic emotions and actions of the girls make you genuinely hate them as often as you adore them. I'd typecast this as a true summertime girls' read.
    General Information:
    Method of Reading:
    Kindle, 352 pages in paperback
    Dates of Reading:
    September 5, 2009-September 7, 2009
    Ann Brashares
    Publication Year:
    Recommended To:
    I think a young girl would love this book. I know a lot of friends who read it in only 5th or 6th grade, but I'd recommend it to a 7th-10th grade girl (me, of course, being a freak about what is and what is not age-appropriate). It's not a difficult read, but a light and heavy combination that makes it interesting and engaging for those ages.

    Yes. They've done two movies but they really do not follow the books. WB made the movies, and changed a lot of the plot, a lot of the characters, and a lot of random other junk. The second movie isn't even based on a single book, it's just a hodgepodge of books 2, 3, and 4 all crammed into one movie and being selective about plot lines. I saw both of the movies before reading the books, but that was a year or two ago. Can't say they were very memorable....
Your Bibliomaniac

Bibliographic info:
Brashares, Ann. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. New York: Delacorte/Random House Children's, 2001. Electronic.

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